About Me

I have extensive experience sub-editing and copy-editing student newspapers and journals. My goal is now to further expand my editing experience as I start my graduate life.

While completing my Masters in Chemistry, I worked first as a Sub-Editor, then as a Chief Sub-Editor at Palatinate, Durham University's Official Student Newspaper (voted the UK and Ireland's best student newspaper at the Student Publication Association awards 2021). I also served as Co-Editor of The Durham Scientist, a Durham student community science journal. In this role I worked with writers to craft readable science articles, without compromising on scientific accuracy.

I approach all editing projects rigorously, ensuring that grammar and tone are maintained throughout every article. A perfectionist, I delight in this aspect of the editing process; however, I am also creative, and love employing my understanding of the English language to generate a particular response. Though a scientist in education, I maintain an scholarly interest in a large range of topics, particularly the arts. A writer myself, I recently published an article on regional identity in the magazine Red Pepper.